Answered By: Regent University Librarians
Last Updated: Sep 16, 2023     Views: 116

For books about the subject EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY you can search the library catalog by subject (change keyword to subject). The results of this change to subject search:

num. 1 Educational Psychology -- 18 Related Subjects

num. 2 Educational Psychology

Click 18 related subjects (num. 1) to see if one of these narrower subjects is a better match to your information need.

Otherwise, click on the Educational Psychology link (num. 2) to view the 727 entries/ book titles (both e-books and print) about the subject Educational Psychology.

Another guide that explains the difference between a subject search and a keyword search

For articles about the subject EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY, find APA PsycInfo in the A-Z database list or this Guide. Find & select the APA Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms (top menu, above search bar).

Type EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY in the search bar, click BROWSE, check Educational Psychology & click on the link, click on Add. Search. DE "Educational Psychology" appears in the search bar; you'll have 9,345 results 

Run another search

Type EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY in the search bar, click BROWSE, check Educational Psychology, check Major Concept, click on the link, click on Add. Search.  MM "Educational Psychology" appears in the search bar; you'll have 7,982 results 

In each search consider the limiters offered on the left side. Limit results to "academic journals", additionally you may want to limit results to the publication dates, such as 2015-2022. In which case, use the "publication date" limiter.

This link explains how to use APA Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms effectively