How can I renew my interlibrary loan items?

Instructions on how to place a request for renewal of your interlibrary loan materials.


You may submit a request to renew your ILL materials directly from your Primo account.  Sign in, click on your name, and go to the Requests tab.

Two key points to keep in mind are:

1.       If you initiate the renewal request through your Primo account, the request must fall within 7 days of the item’s due date but not after.

2.       Your renewal request does not automatically renew the item .  Renewals are ONLY granted at the discretion of the lending library.  If a renewal is allowed, the average renewal period is 4 weeks. We will contact you upon hearing back from the lending library.

You may also request a renewal by emailing or calling the ILL department at or 757.352.4424.

  • Last Updated Sep 18, 2023
  • Views 160
  • Answered By Elizabeth Keen

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