Can I borrow textbooks for my classes through ILL?


We don't recommend it but you can try.  A lot of lending libraries are reluctant to loan textbooks, especially the most recent editions.  Loan periods are rarely longer than 4 weeks and renewals are not always granted.  Keeping a book longer than the loan period will cause your account to be blocked, prohibiting you from requesting additional interlibrary loan materials.  Overdue books cause strained relationships with libraries in our network.


All that being said, some required course readings may be from books, rather than "textbooks".  Search Primo to see if the library has the book. If not, click on the title to open the full result - the Get it from other libraries section will have request options (full interlibrary loan (ILL) instructions).  We'll evaluate your request and let you know if we can honor it or not. 

  • Last Updated Sep 18, 2023
  • Views 123
  • Answered By Elizabeth Keen

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