Answered By: Librarians Regent
Last Updated: Sep 19, 2023     Views: 228

Step 1 - Make an Account with the Provider

Once you have found an eBook you would like to download, you will need to create an account with the provider. (Note that some eBook providers that the Library uses don't offer downloads, so it may not always be available.)

Each provider requires a new account. For example, an account with EBSCO will not work with Ebook Central.

You cannot download an eBook without these accounts, though you can still read the book online.

This is separate from your MyRegent account, and you can use any ID and password you prefer.

Look for a link to "sign-in" to create a new account or log into one you may have already created (these links are usually near the top of the page).



Step 2 - Download the Right eBook Reader

For desktops and laptops (Windows & Macs): Adobe Digital Editions

For mobile computers (tablets & phones): Bluefire Reader*

*Bluefire Reader now has a version that works for Windows desktops and laptops!


Step 3 - Sign In and Download

Sign in to your new account with the eBook provider.
Click on the download button.
Select the number of days that you want to check the book out for (1-7).
Select checkout & download, and the book should download and open with the adobe or Bluefire reader you downloaded.


Step 4 - Create and Sign In with Adobe ID

The first time you open Digital Editions or Bluefire, you will be prompted to input an Adobe ID. Follow the link provided by the reader and make an account with Adobe. Return to your reader software and sign in with your new Adobe ID. You should only have to input this Adobe ID the first time you use the reader software.
Enjoy your eBook!